

Any business is only as productive as its weakest link – don’t let that link be your company network. An unreliable (or, even worse, broken) intercompany network can cripple a business while directly affecting the bottom line. Ensuring your network makes sense for your business while maintaining proper connectivity and permissions is what our certified IT professionals do best through our computer network services. Modern Data has the knowledge and experience gained from working with some of the largest companies to make your network work for you.


Optimize an Existing Network or New Implementation

Whether you want to start from scratch or have an existing networking solution, Great Deal Point takes pride in its implementations. Our certified IT professionals have done consulting work for companies of all sizes and we would be more than happy to optimize your current network to help prevent wasted time, frustrated employees, and lost revenue.


Computer Network Services and Solutions

Network Consulting

Since every organization is different, we’ll begin by gathering some information about your goals and operation. Maybe you need full network validation and multi-site design, or maybe you just need a simple VPN setup. Perhaps you’re looking for a reliable partner to be your computer networking services company and to provide network troubleshooting and other technical support to your existing team as you scale your business. Whatever the case, Great Deal Point has the workforce, experience, and resources necessary to cover your requirements.


Wireless Network Installation

The best way to set up your network depends on a number of factors. What’s the business environment? What’s your network being used for? What sites are available to deliver optimal performance? How many access points are required? What are the density and mobility requirements? Our team answers all these questions and more to provide your organization with the best user experience possible.


Network Routing and Switching

Routers and switches are two of the most fundamental pieces of hardware in your network. They’re like the stations in a subway system. If you don’t have enough of these essential nodes, or if they’re not configured correctly, information can’t get where it needs to go. On the other hand, if you have excess or redundancy, your operation runs inefficiently. Without the proper experience, network architecture is time-intensive and tedious. But when you partner with Great Deal Point, it’s all taken care of for you.


WiFi Solutions

Information is business. Organizations rely on the continuous, controlled flow of data to function. If access lags or gets disconnected, productivity grinds to a halt. Whatever the environment you’re operating from—a large office with conference rooms, a multi-story hospital, or an industrial warehouse full of equipment that all needs to be connected—we’ll design your network with the optimal configuration to empower your enterprise and keep it charging ahead as it continues to develop and grow.


Firewall Solutions

Establishing a firewall for our partners is one of the most frequent services we deliver. No business is secure without a strong firewall in place. It’s your network’s first line of defense against cyber attacks. It guards and monitors access across your network, deciding what data comes in or out. Great Deal Point designs ironclad firewalls that keep unwanted visitors out while maintaining the accessibility organizations need to stay ahead of the competition.